Cookery [kook-uh-ree] - the art or practice of cooking; a place equipped for cooking.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Roasted Tofu

Now that I've started Weight Watchers online, I've been seriously cutting back on the miscellaneous snacks and trying hard to stick to vegetables only (0 point foods). But I'm getting tired of carrots and cucumbers, so I wanted to see if there was a simple recipe for tofu that could be used as a snack, since it's a lean protein and delicious! I found several meal recipes using tofu, but none that was a Tofu only recipe, so I used a combination of several different methods I found online and came up with this Roasted Tofu recipe! Easy and low points for how much you get to eat (and protein!).

1 lb (16 oz) Lite Firm Tofu
1/2-1 tbsp soy sauce
cooking spray

Weight Watchers points: 5 (for whole recipe)

Step 1: Place tofu on several layers of paper towel, top with more paper towels, and place one or more heavy objects on top. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes. This presses out all excess water from the tofu.
Step 2: Preheat oven to 450F. Cut tofu into 6 1/2-inch slices, then cut each slice into 8 cubes.
Step 3: Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray. Arrange tofu cubes on sheet so that the pieces don't touch.
Step 4: Brush each cube with soy sauce (you can do just the top or each exposed side).
Step 5: Spray light layer of cooking spray over tofu cubes.
Step 6: Place cookie sheet into over, bake for about 25 minutes.

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